Taking part is paid surveys is an excellent way for you to make money from the comfort of your own home and all you need to follow is a few simple guidelines. This article will help you to better understand the market research industry and why they need your opinion to help advertising companies. However, as with all other work from home job opportunities you need to be aware of the scams out there that offer you to make quick money. Advertising companies will be hired to do two main types of products and services for marketing campaigns. The first is to determine how well a new product or service will do when the general public has never seen or used it. The second is to work with an existing product or service to see how it can be redeveloped or made better. An advertising company first takes their product or service to the market research company and asks them to poll specific demographics through either a focus group or an online survey. This is where you as the average consumer will come in. In order to get honest responses and answers the market research company will give you cash, free merchandise or compensation in exchange for your time and information. If you take the survey and get cash or gifts in exchange then you will be more likely to consider using that market research company in the future. Going online is the best way to get involved in the market research. Get a list of all the research panels. You can easily find a list like this for free with some time and effort. Otherwise you can do a little research and pay for this list. After you have put together this list of market research companies then you can go register with them. You should never have to pay for a registration. You should be getting paid for your opinion and not the other way around. After registering you will be asked several questions so that the research company can set up a profile of you. The profile you generate will determine the types of surveys and focus groups you are asked to take part in. For example, women are more likely to be asked to take surveys on purses more often than young adults will be asked to take a survey on college tuition or fees. Many of these research studies are done online, but occasionally a survey will be mailed to you that require you to meet at a specific location. So this is the simple process of taking paid surveys. You register with a company, take a survey and then get money that compensates you for your time. It really isn’t any more difficult than this. The more research panels you register with the more studies you will be qualified to take part in so you can make even more money. Keep in mind that just because you are registered with a research panel doesn’t mean you have to take part in every study they offer. You get to decide which surveys to take part in.