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Using Paid Surveys as a Residual Income

      If you spend long enough on the internet you are bound to come across an advertisement or pop up that offers you to take a survey and get paid. You are likely wondering exactly how credible these offers are. There are actual paid survey sites that will give individuals cash and prizes in exchange for people taking the time to give their opinion. The blue chip companies are big players in these sites since they are always looking for ways to improve their products or services in order to get better margins. Also before any new company brings a new product to the market they want to find out about the preferences of consumers and whether or not their product will be a success.

In order to get paid you just need to visit the survey site and follow their specific guidelines. The amount you make from taking the surveys will depend on how many, what type and duration of the surveys. There are companies that give you cash for each survey you take while others offer gift certificates that allow you to enter a prize drawing. While you can supplement you income with a paid survey job you probably won’t be able to completely substitute your regular job. You may be able to get paid for taking surveys but it is often much less than your regular job. However, doing paid surveys is perfect as a hobby.

The profile you fill out on the survey site will determine how many surveys you are offered to take part in. You will also note that some paid survey sites have more surveys than others. This is why it is a good idea to join as many paid survey sites as possible and complete as many surveys as you can from each site. The amount of paid surveys also depends on the country since the United States has more surveys then those in other countries.

When you register with a paid survey site you will need to give your contact information and other relevant details. If you provide more details and have a good profile then you can expect to be offered to take part in more surveys. Once you are registered you will be directed to open surveys. You will also receive emails with links to individual survey pages where you can start filling out ongoing surveys. When you take a survey be sure to be honest since you are not being forced to partake in the survey. If you aren’t comfortable with a survey you can simply choose to pass and take the next survey that comes along.

Once you have finished the survey you come to the point of being paid and each company can do this in a variety of ways. Some paid survey companies choose to pay you directly by check or PayPal every time you complete a survey. Other companies will credit your account until you have reached a specific threshold and then they will pay you with a check or bank deposit. Yet other companies will pay by reward points in which you can spend on an online reward store once you have enough points.