There are a number of paid surveys available on the internet. Nearly every website you visit today seems to have pop-ups or links that invite you to take part in paid surveys. While some catch phrases to these ads can be downright suspicious. You obviously can’t expect to make hundreds of dollars just by taking a few surveys. Although some of these advertisements don’t sound that bad. In order to have success with paid surveys you need to know which advertisements lead to legitimate and reputable sites. You will find a lot of information on the internet about listing the top paid survey websites available on the internet. Even if you find a good paid for survey website you may not fully understand how the process works. It is best that you don’t start taking part in paid surveys until you know exactly how the system works. This way you can avoid disappointments, computer viruses and other online problems. Paid surveys are among the newest trend in online marketing. Today the internet is used as an effective and efficient marketing tool and not just a communication and research tool. Paid surveys through either internet or email can make up a basic requirement for online marketing and this is the networking need. When you join a paid online survey website you are becoming a member of a bigger network. These paid survey website have three major individuals: the advertiser, the survey site and you the consumer. This networking relationship has several main stages. The first is why you join the surveys site so you are sorted out according to specific demographics. At this stage you are placed in a specific group based on age, gender or social status. You will also be asked about unique interests or hobbies. The second stage is when the advertiser sends you a link or email to online surveys as part of a specific pool of consumers that meets that needs. Each survey will be directed to a specific demographic group of people with specific interests. A single male with a gadget hobby will be more likely to get a survey about technological devices rather than laundry detergents. This also means that you will limit the number of survey links you receive. Each survey you take will determine the points you get and the number of points you gain will determine the amount of income you get. Since you won’t be able to participate in all surveys available online this will restrict your chance to gain bigger income through online paid surveys. Although keep in mind the third stage which is networking. When you refer other people to these paid survey sites you will be added to their specific network. As a result you will get a commission for each individual paid survey that your referred friends answer. Your network will also expand as they refer other individuals. As your referral network expands you will make more money from each paid survey that is answered. So don’t underestimate the part of networking with a paid survey site.